Naturopathic services
Naturopathic medicine is a diverse and distinct system of primary healthcare characterized by the art, science, philosophy and practice of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness. On a foundational basis naturopathic practice focuses on the guiding principle of ‘vis medicatrix naturae’, a phrase coined by Hippocrates which means “healing power of nature”…
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine is holistic, preventative and curative medicine. Many treatments work by successfully diagnosing and treating patterns of disfunction within the body, including digestive, dermatological and musculoskeletal issues. These treatments include the art of acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tui Na massage, auricular therapy, cupping and diet therapy…
osteopathic services
Osteopathic Manual therapy is the practical implementation of the principles of Osteopathy. Treatment will always consider motion restriction and asymmetries in the body, with the goal of facilitating normal movement. This means that your visit to an Osteopathic office will include a dynamic assessment of the way your body moves, followed by a treatment plan designed specifically for you.
Massage Therapy
Our approach to massage therapy aims to educate patients about any ailments or injuries that may be causing them pain, in order to prevent any damage in the future as well as strengthen and rebuild. Our RMT utilizes clinical massage techniques as well as reflexology formation, reiki healing and many more…
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Don’t spend hours reading articles telling you what naturopathic medicine is. Click on the link to watch a short video and find out if naturopathic medicine is right for you!

”Nature’s Healing power”
The inherent underlying forces that govern our healthy default state
”Treat The Whole”
Consideration of the totality required in order to identify the cause of the illness
”Do No Harm”
Interventions that do the least harm and that do not further disrupt a system attempting to regain homeostasis
”Doctor As Teacher”
Engaging and empowering while offering guidance and support on the journey to optimum wellness
”Treat The Cause”
Seeking to understand the totality of fundamental causes that disrupt the equilibrium and not just suppression of symptoms
Assessing risk factors and recommending appropriate interventions to prevent illness